You need only be an EAA member and the same rules apply as Camp Scholler. Having said that it is a very nice campground ( recently expanded ) run by the ultralight folks. You can buy your camping passes at the ultralight barn or online if you wish. The entrance is off of the east end of Ripple road were it ends at the TSA fence. There is a set of trailer showers just inside the grounds a very short walk south but you will need wrist band to get there the camping pass won't get you there. The ultralight folks also run a tram service from the campground to the ultralight barn. It is a great place to camp and you wont need an alarm clock as you will be woken to the sounds of powered parachute engines in the early morning calm, great way to start your day. As to WIFI it is pretty much useless all over the grounds when the place is full it just cant handle the volume of users.