Yes, all of us have lists of each, but I wanted to keep it simple…

1. Sarcastic thanks to the woman who sat across from me in the Rusty Pilots seminar on Wednesday. She coughed ( full cough) throughout the entire seminar. I sat with a napkin over my mouth and nose, but still, 3 days later I came down with a severe case of whatever it was. Just as I was to start a 3-day, 1150 mile trailer-towing drive home.

2. Sincere Thanks to those folks on carts who either volunteered to give me a ride or responded favorably if I stuck out my hitchhiker thumb or asked “ how ‘bout a ride?” I had one hip replaced 2 years ago and was doing great. Then the other hip went south just a couple months ago. I was hobbling around in quite a bit of pain, even though my doc gave me some tramadol just so I could attend Convention. Special Thanks to one of the Homebuilder Welcome Wagons who pulled up next to me late in the day when they saw my volunteer shirt. “Did you volunteer today?” After responding yes, they said to hop in the back and wanted to know where I needed to go. We chatted a bit since I was the only pax. It was late in the day, late in the week, and I volunteered every day. I was very thankful for that lift.

3. I’ve asked this before but the “more scooter” thread reminded me. When the concrete benches first came out, they had pretty good distribution. Especially along Celebration Way and the other two legs of the entrance “V” leading to forums and Fly Market. Now there are only a few benches at the main entrance and flight line. After volunteering in the homebuilders area, it’s a long trek just to get back to the gate. One respondent in the scooter thread said to just sit on the ground. I have sat on the ground in years past, but with a bad hip, I might get down but no way to get back up. Shoot, I’ll even volunteer to buy a few benches if I could receive assurance they’d be located as requested. But that ain’t gonna happen…

Don’t get old folks; treat every day as the gift it is.